Chapters, papers and other publications of Paul Starkey and colleagues

This web page will be gradually developed to make easily available some publications written by Paul Starkey and various collaborators. These publications are copyright and are being made available to assist those involved in development issues and related research. While individual copies may be downloaded for personal use, they should NOT be reproduced without permission. 

Where possible the publications listed below will be made available in pdf format, identical to the published version (although the resolution of pictures will generally be 'on-screen' resolution rather than 'press' quality. In some cases (eg, certain books) the link will be to another site with further information about the book or (in the case of ATNESA) to a webpage where papers can be downloaded. In other cases, pre-publication drafts will be posted here, and people will have to obtain a 'hard copy' from the publishers to get the definitive version. Most papers will be less than 400 kb and should download easily. Some publications with photos are large or very large  and in these cases warning colours and the file size will be displayed. 

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Note: within each of the following categories, multiple authors are listed below single-author publications 
        Book chapters and monographs
Papers in published conference proceedings and books
        Papers published in journals
        Other papers (second or subsequent author)

Book chapters and monographs 

Starkey P, 2000. The history of working animals in Africa. Chapter 26 (pp 478-502) in Blench R M and MacDonald K (eds), The origins and development of African livestock: archaeology, genetics, linguistics and ethnography. University College London Press, London, UK. ISBN 1-84142-018-2

Starkey P, 1997. Donkey work. pp 183-206 in Svendsen E D (ed): The professional handbook of the donkey. Whittet Books, London. 400p. ISBN 1-873580-37-1

Starkey P, 1997. Donkey power benefits. Workshop Reader Volume 1. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 76p.

Starkey P, 1996. Networking for sustainable agriculture: lessons from animal traction development. Gatekeeper Series 58, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK. 18p. ISSN: 1357-9258p.

Starkey P, 1995. Portraying animal power in South Africa. pp 49–64 in P Starkey (ed). Animal power in South Africa: empowering rural communities. Development Bank of Southern Africa, Gauteng, South Africa. 160p. (Chapter also published separately as a 16-page colour booklet). ISBN 1-874878-67-6

Starkey P, 1995. The donkey in South Africa: myths and misconceptions. pp 139–151 in P Starkey (ed). Animal power in South Africa: empowering rural communities. Development Bank of Southern Africa, Gauteng, South Africa. 160p.

Starkey P, 1993. Animal traction networks in Africa: lessons and implications. pp. 199–213 in Alders C, Haverkort B and Veldhuizen L (eds). Linking with farmers. IT Publications, London, UK. 298p.

Starkey P, 1992. Networking for animal traction. Network Discussion Paper 1/92. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and West Africa Animal Traction Network WAATN) GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. 45p.

Starkey P, 1991. Draught cattle: world resources, systems of utilisation and potential for improvement. Chapter 8 (pp: 153–200) in: Hickman C G (ed), Cattle Genetic Resources, World Animal Science Series Volume B7, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 312p.

Starkey P, 1991. Animal traction: constraints and impact among African households. pp.77-90 in: Haswell M and Hunt D (eds), Rural households in emerging societies. Berg, Oxford, UK. 261p. ISBN 0-85496-730-3

Starkey P, 1988. Practical agricultural research. Discussion paper 25, Overseas Development Institute, London. 18p.

Starkey P, 1986. Draught animal power in Africa: priorities for development, research and liaison. Network Paper 14, Farming Systems Support Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. 40p.

Starkey P, 1985. Some organisations concerned with animal traction research and development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Research Unit Report 38, World Bank, Washington DC, USA. 44p.

Starkey P and Mueller P 1997. Donkey power benefits. Workshop Reader Volume 2. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 82p.

Starkey P and Apetofia K, 1986. Integrated livestock systems in Nepal and Indonesia: implications for animal traction programmes in West Africa. Network Report No 3, Farming Systems Support Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. 64p.

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Papers in published conference proceedings and books                           Back to Home Page Back to index

Starkey, P, 2003. Animal power for transport in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar: implications for the evolving roles of governments and civil society. Proceedings workshop: Traction animale et stratégies d’acteurs face au désengagement des Etats held 17-21 novembre 2003, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, France.

Starkey P, 2003. Le transport ‘traction animale’ en Afrique sub-Saharienne et à Madagascar : implications pour l’évolution des rôles des gouvernements et de la société civile. Actes du séminaire ‘Traction animale et stratégies d’acteurs face au désengagement des états’, 17-21 novembre 2003, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, France.

Starkey P, 2003. Promoting intermediate means of transport for the rural poor: a case study from Madagascar.
Proceedings of workshop on 'Gender equity and poverty reduction through improved mobility and access', held 26 September 2003, Swiss Development Cooperation, Bern, Switzerland. TransNet/Skat. Published on CD and online by TransNet and Skat_Consulting, St.Gallen, Switzerland

Starkey P, 2002. Complementing infrastructure: enhancing rural mobility through motorised and non-motorised transport. Paper presented at the PIARC International Seminar on Rural Transport: key element of development held 15-16 May 2002, Siem Reap, Cambodia. World Road Federation (PIARC), Paris, France. (Proceedings in preparation).

Starkey P, 2002. Le forum international pour le transport rural et le développement. pp 13-14 in : Séminaire régional sur genre et transport rural : pour une promotion des moyens intermédiaires de transport, Ouagadougou 3-5 avril 2001. Forum burkinabé pour le transport rural et le développement (FBTRD) et le Forum international pour le transport rural et le développement (IFRTD), Londres. 56p.

Starkey 2001. Working together for refugees: the value of network collaboration. 133-139 in: Andersen A J, Bjørn-Lassen L, Stefansen R (eds). The role of non-governmental organizations from refuge to durable solutions in the Caucasus. Danish Refugee Council, Copenhagen, Denmark. 274p. ISBN 87-7710-397-1

Starkey P, 2000. Empowering farmers with animal traction: worldwide trends, issues and challenges. pp. 18-21 in: Kaumbutho P, Pearson A and Simalenga T (eds). Empowering farmers with animal traction. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA), University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa. 344p. ISBN 0-907146-10-4

Starkey P, 2000. Rapid appraisal methodologies for animal traction. pp. 91-100 in: Kaumbutho P, Pearson A and Simalenga T (eds). Empowering farmers with animal traction. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA), University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa. 344p. ISBN 0-907146-10-4

Starkey P, 1999. Animal powered transport in Latin America and the work of regional animal traction programmes. pp. 27-34 in: Connan R M (ed): Traction animal health and technology. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, Wheathampstead AL4 8AN, UK. 76p. ISBN 1900630052.

Starkey P, 1999. Travail en réseau et mécanisation agricole durable: des leçons à tirer des réseaux de recherche sur la traction animale. pp 82-94 in: Intégration de la mécanisation dans les stratégies de développement agricole durable. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 312p. ISBN 92 9081 2109

Starkey P, 1999.Transport using animal power for rural development: trends, experiences, and implications. pp 147-154 in Memorias de Tercera Encuentro Latinoamericano de Tracción Animal, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 8-12 Noviembre 1999. CIFEMA, Cochabamba, Bolivia and RELATA, Managua, Nicaragua. 210p.

Starkey P, 1999. La importancia de la tracción animal a nivel mundial y su implicaciones para Bolivia. pp 93-96 in Sánchez-Molero J (ed): 1 Taller Internacional de PROMETA, 3-5 de febrero de 1999, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Proyecto Mejoramiento Tracción Animal (PROMETA). Silsoe Research Institute, Silsoe, UK. 146p.

Starkey P, 1999. Transport using animal power: some key issues for Asia. pp 69-90 in: Meeting transport needs with intermediate modes of transport. Lanka Forum of Rural Transport Development, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 221p. ISBN955-8233801-3

Starkey, P 1998. Transport animals: contemporary issues for veterinarians. pp 146-157 in Rahman S A (ed). Second Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference on Animal Health and Production in Rural Areas: The Essential Role of Women at all Levels. Scientific Proceedings, Volume 1. Intervet Publishers, Bangalore, India. 924p.

Starkey P, 1997. Redes de tracción animal: experiencias en África e implicaciones para América Latina. pp. 85-104 in: Memorias de Secundo Encuentro Centroamericano de Tracción Animal, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 4-6 November 1997. RELATA, Managua, Nicaragua. 238p.

Starkey P. 1997. Animal power. pp. 26-39 in Sieber N (ed). An annotated bibliography on rural transport. International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, London, UK. ISBN 1-85339-418-1

Starkey P, 1997. Transport animals: world-wide trends and issues. pp. 5-16 in: Hall S J G (ed): Traction animal health and technology. Proceedings of seminar held 11 April 1996, Royal Veterinary College, UK. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, Potters Bar, UK. 84p. ISBN0900767960.

Starkey P, 1996. Una visión global de la tracción animal. pp. 13-28 in: Mejía Gómez J and Granda Jimbo D (eds): La traccion animal y desarrollo sostenible. Memorias de Primer Encuentro Centroamericano de Tracción Animal, Managua, November 1995. FOMENTA, Managua, Nicaragua. 150p.

Starkey P, 1996. Challenges to animal traction technology: an African perspective. pp 16-18 in Kaumbutho P et al (eds), Meeting the challenges of draught animal technologies in Kenya. Proceedings of Second KENDAT National Workshop held 27-31 March 1995, Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya Network for Draught Animal Technology (KENDAT), University of Nairobi, Kenya. 170p.

Starkey P, 1995. Animal power in South Africa: some social and technological issues. pp49–55 in Morse K and Ellis-Jones J (eds): Technology for rural livelihoods: current issues for engineers and social scientists. Proceedings of workshop held 6– September 1994, Chatham, UK. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. 100p.

Starkey P, 1994. Donkey utilisation in sub-Saharan Africa: recent changes and apparent needs. pp 289-302 in Bakkoury M and Prentis R A (eds) Working equines. Proceedings of second international colloquium held 20-22 April 1994, Rabat, Morocco. Actes Editions, Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan ll, Rabat, Morocco. 412p.

Starkey P, 1994. A world-wide view of animal traction. pp 66–81 in: Starkey P, Mwenya E and Stares J (eds), Improving animal traction technology. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 490p. ISBN 92-9081-127-7

Starkey P, 1994. Animal traction networks in Africa. pp. 82–92 in: Starkey P, Mwenya E and Stares J (eds), Improving animal traction technology. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 490p. ISBN 92-9081-127-7

Starkey P, 1994. The transfer of animal traction technology: some lessons from Sierra Leone. pp. 306–317 in: Starkey P, Mwenya E and Stares J (eds), Improving animal traction technology. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 490p. ISBN 92-9081-127-7

Starkey P, 1993. Animal traction: a world-wide view with a small farmer perspective. pp 83-86 in: O'Neill D H and Hendriksen G (eds), Human and draught animal power for production. Proceedings of workshop held 18-22 January 1993, Harare, Zimbabwe. Agricultural Engineering Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 154p.

Starkey P, 1992. Changes in animal traction in Africa and Asia: implications for development. pp. 11–24 in: den Hartog G and van Huis J A (eds), The role of draught animals in rural development. Proceedings of an international seminar held 2-12 April 1990, Edinburgh, Scotland. Pudoc Scientific, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 233p.

Starkey P, 1990. Animal traction for agricultural development: production, impact, profitability and constraints. Keynote paper. pp. 90–114 in: Starkey P and Faye A (eds), Animal traction for agricultural development. Proceedings of the Third Regional Workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network, held 7-12 July 1988, Saly, Senegal. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Ede-Wageningen, Netherlands. 475p. ISBN92-9081-046-7

Starkey P, 1990. The development of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Chapter 7 in: Kalisky J (ed), Planning an integrated animal draught programme. Proceedings of a regional course held 5-13 November 1990, Harare, Zimbabwe. Bulletin No. 2. AGROTEC (Agricultural Operations Technology for Smallholders in East and Southern Africa), Harare, Zimbabwe. 235p.

Starkey P, 1989. Farming systems research relating to draught animal power: an overview. pp. 82–93 in: D. Hoffman, J. Mari and R. J. Petheram (eds), Draught animals in rural development. Proceedings of an international research symposium held at Cipanas, Indonesia 3-7 July 1989. ACIAR Proceedings Series No. 27. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. 345p. ISBN 1-86320-003-7

Starkey P, 1989. Thirty years of wheeled toolcarriers: implications for mechanization research and development. pp. 12-18 in: Raymond G, Bigot Y and Bordet D (eds), Economie de la mecanisation en region chaude. Actes du IX séminarie d'économie rurale, 12-16 Sep 1988, Montpellier, France. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, France. 409p.

Starkey P, 1989. Harnessing for cattle and buffaloes. pp. 280–292 in: D Hoffman, J Mari and R J Petheram (eds), Draught animals in rural development. Proceedings of an international research symposium held at Cipanas, Indonesia 3-7 July 1989. ACIAR Proceedings Series No. 27. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. 345p. ISBN 1-86320-003-7

Starkey P, 1988. The introduction, intensification and diversification of the use of animal power in West African farming systems: implications at farm level. pp 97-115 in: P H Starkey and F. Ndiamé (eds), Animal power in farming systems. Proceedings of networkshop held 17-26 September 1986 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Vieweg for German Appropriate Technology Exchange, GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. 363p.

Starkey P, 1988. Animal-drawn wheeled toolcarriers: perfected yet rejected. pp. 75-77 in: Namponya C R (ed), Animal traction and agricultural mechanization research in SADCC member countries. Proceeding of workshop held 8-12 August 1987, Maputo, Mozambique. SACCAR Workshop Series 7, Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR), Gaborone, Botswana. 87p.

Starkey P, 1986. Animal traction research and extension in Africa: an overview. pp. 19-27 in: Poats S V, Lichte J, Oxley J, Russo S L and Starkey P H (eds), Animal traction in a farming systems perspective. Report of networkshop held 3-8 March 1985, Kara, Togo. Network Report No 1, Farming Systems Support Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. 187p.

Starkey P, 1985. Genetic requirements for draught cattle: experience in Africa. pp 109-114 in: J. W. Copland (ed), Draught animal power for production. Proceedings international workshop held at James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia, 10-16 July 1985. ACIAR Proceedings Series 10, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. 170p. ISBN 0-949511-17-X

Starkey P, Ríos A, Valdés H and Sotto P, 2003. The importance of horses, donkeys and mules in modern Cuba. pp 329-336 in: Pearson R A, Fielding D and Tabbaa D (eds). Proceedings of fourth international colloquium on working equines. Held 20-26 April 2002, Al Baath University, Hama, Syria. Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA), London WC1N 2EB. ISBN 0-907146-17-1

Starkey P and Rasamoela L, 2002. Investing in intermediate means of transport in Madagascar. Paper presented at the PIARC International Seminar on Rural Transport: key element of development held 15-16 May 2002, Siem Reap, Cambodia. World Road Federation (PIARC), Paris, France. (Proceedings in preparation).

Starkey P and Starkey M, 2000. Regional and world trends in donkey populations. pp 10-21 in: Starkey P and Fielding D (eds), 2000. Donkeys, people and development. A resource book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA). ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 247p. ISBN 92-9081-219-2.

Starkey P, Jaiyesimi-Njobe F and Hanekom D, 1995. Animal traction in South Africa: overview of the key issues. pp17–20 in P Starkey (ed). Animal power in South Africa: empowering rural communities. Development Bank of Southern Africa, Gauteng, South Africa. 160p. ISBN 1-874878-67-6

Starkey P, Hanekom D, Lake T, Meikle G and Jaiyesimi-Njobe F, 1995. Animal traction in South Africa: the present situation. pp17–30 in P Starkey (ed). Animal power in South Africa: empowering rural communities. Development Bank of Southern Africa, Gauteng, South Africa. 160p. ISBN 1-874878-67-6 **2.2 Mb**

Starkey P and Koorts J, 1995. Animal traction in South Africa: the way forward. pp31–47 in P Starkey (ed). Animal power in South Africa: empowering rural communites. Development Bank of Southern Africa, Gauteng, South Africa. 160p. ISBN 1-874878-67-6

Starkey P and Apetofia K, 1985, Animal traction networking activities in Africa and Asia. pp.664–668 in: Proceedings of the 2nd Monitoring Tour Crop-Livestock Systems Research Nepal and Indonesia. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. 668p.

Starkey P and Sims B, 1989. Animal-drawn implements: an overview of research and development. pp. 248–257 in: DHoffman, J Mari and R J Petheram (eds), Draught animals in rural development. Proceedings of an international research symposium held at Cipanas, Indonesia 3-7 July 1989. ACIAR Proceedings Series No. 27. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. 345p. ISBN 1-86320-003-7

Starkey P, Abiye Astatke and Goe M R, 1989. Alternative applications of animal power. pp. 231–241 in: D Hoffman, J Mari and R J Petheram (eds), Draught animals in rural development. Proceedings of an international research symposium held at Cipanas, Indonesia 3-7 July 1989. ACIAR Proceedings Series No. 27. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. 345p. ISBN 1-86320-003-7

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Papers and articles published in journals, magazines and periodicals     Back to Home Page Back to index

Starkey P, 1998. Donkeys and people: a world-wide review. The Mule 81: 32-34.

Starkey P, 1993. Animal-powered transport in Africa. Appropriate Technology 20, 1: 9–11.

Starkey P, 1993. Networking for animal traction. International agricultural Development 13(1): 14-16.

Starkey P, 1992. Alive and pulling. Ceres 24 (3): 18–23

Starkey P, 1989. Animal-drawn transport in Africa. GATE (German Appropriate Technology Exchange): 1/89: 13–18.

Starkey P, 1987. Animal power in development: some implications for communities. Community Development Journal 22 (3): 219–227.

Starkey P, 1987. Brief donkey work. Ceres 20, 6: 37–40.

Starkey P, 1987. Animal-drawn wheeled toolcarriers: a case for caution. Appropriate Technology 14, 1: 10–12.

Starkey P, 1987. Animal power in Southern Africa. GATE (German Appropriate Technology Exchange): 4/87: 32–33.

Starkey P, 1986. Animal power in Africa: perspectives, preconditions, priorities. GATE (GTZ): 4/86: 3–8.

Starkey P, 1985. Organisation et méthodologie du programme de traction animale en Sierra Leone. Machinisme Agricole Tropical,. 91: 69–71.

Starkey P, 1985. Programmes de traction animale: nécessité d'un échange d'informations. Machinisme Agricole Tropical, 91: 42–44.

tarkey P, 1985. The health and husbandry of draught cattle. Appropriate Technology 11,4:9–10.

Starkey P, 1985. The care and feeding of draught cattle. Appropriate Technology 11,2:25–26.

Starkey P, 1985. The use of draught animals for swamp rice cultivation in Sierra Leone. International Rice Comm. N. 35: 17–21.

Starkey P, 1984. N'Dama cattle, a productive trypanotolerant breed. World Animal Review 50:2–15.

Starkey P, 1984. Evaluating equipment for draught animal programmes. Livestock International 12, 1: 36–42.

Starkey, P. 1984. Upland rice cultivation in Sierra Leone using draught animal power. Intnl. Rice Comm. N. 33: 27–29.

Starkey P, 1984. The selection of draught cattle. Appropriate Technology 10,4:9–11.

Starkey P, 1984. The training of draught cattle. Appropriate Technology 10,1,28–29.

Starkey P, 1984. Draught animals: the need for liaison. Int. agric. Dev. 4,4:14–15.

Starkey P, 1983. Introducing the ox. Ceres 16, 6: 36–40.

Starkey P, 1982. N'Dama cattle as draught animals. World Animal Review 42, 19–26.

Starkey P, 1981. The Sierra Leone Work Oxen Project. Appropriate Technology 8,(1):7–9.

Starkey P, 1981. A modified triangular spike tooth harrow. Appropriate Technology 8(2):8–9.

Starkey P, 1980. Work oxen in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Agricultural Journal 6:53-58.

Starkey P and Fernando P, 1998. Women, transport energy and donkeys: some implication for development workers. Energia 2(2): 11-13.

Starkey P and Verhaeghe H, 1982. Weed control in maize using draught animals. Livestock International 10,3:64–9.

Starkey P and Verhaeghe H, 1981. An economic comparison of methods of upland cultivation in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone agric. J. 6(2):108-116.

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Reports  (for country studies and published reports click here)                                  Back to Home Page Back to index

Starkey P, 1990. The potential for using work animals in teak reforestation in Tanzania. Report prepared for Commonwealth Development Corporation, London, UK. Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 8p.

Starkey P, 1990. Research for development of animal traction: Report of the fourth workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network held 9-13 July 1990, Kano Nigeria. Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 53p.

Starkey P, 1990. Water buffalo technology in northern Senegal. Report prepared for USAID-Dakar (contract 685-0281-000-0199-00) and Projet Buffle, Saint Louis, Senegal. Tropical Research and Development Inc, Gainesville, Florida, USA. 37p.

Starkey P, 1989. Selecting and designing animal-drawn implements: methodological principles and review of African experiences. Paper prepared for the Professional Development Programme held 28-31 March 1989, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 57p.

Starkey P, 1989. Design of animal-drawn farm implements for local production: a report of programme highlights, suggestions for follow-up activities and programme evaluation. Report of the Professional Development Programme held 28-31 March 1989, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 11p.

Starkey P, 1988. Animal traction research in Southern Mali. Consultancy report for Division de Recherche sur les Systèmes de Production Rurale (DRSPR), Sikasso, Mali and Koninklijk Institut voor de Tropen (KIT), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 30p.

Starkey P, 1986. Appropriate technology for Africa: an evaluation with suggestions for future initiatives. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada. 34p.

Starkey P, 1986. Strengthening animal traction research and development in The Gambia through networking. Consultancy Mission Report and Annotated Bibliography on Animal Traction. Gambia Agricultural Research and Diversification Project (GARD), Banjul, TheGambia. 50p.

Starkey P, 1985. Animal power utilization in Malawi. Report of consultancy mission from 7-21 September 1985. Animal Production Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 32p. (+19p. project document).

Starkey P, 1984. The use of draught animal power in the Kasai Occidental and Kasai Oriental regions of Zaïre. Sierra Leone Work Oxen Project, Freetown, Sierra Leone. 41p.

Starkey P H, Elling M J, Mwenya WN M and Sindazi M, 1991. Evaluation of the Zambian animal draft power programme supported by The Netherlands. Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands. 107p.

Starkey P H, Hyuha T and Rempel H, 1990. Mbeya Oxenization Project: Report of the MEDA Mid-Term Evaluation Team. Mennonite Economic Develoment Associates (MEDA), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 88p.

Starkey P H and Goe M R, 1985. Report of the third joint FAO/ILCA mission to prepare for the establishment of a TCDC network for research, training and development of draught animal power in Africa. AGA Consultancy Report, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy. 85p.

Starkey P H and Goe M R, 1984. Report of the preparatory FAO/ILCA mission for the establishment of a TCDC network for research, training and development of draught animal power in Africa. AGA Consultancy Report, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy. 82p.

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Other papers   (with Paul Starkey as a second or subsequent author)                        Back to Home Page Back to index

Fernando P and Starkey P, 2000. Donkeys and development: socio-economic issues. pp. 31-44 in: Starkey P and Fielding D (eds), 2000. Donkeys, people and development. A resource book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA). ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 247p. ISBN 92-9081-219-2.

Mueller P J and Starkey P, 1997. Donkey bibliography: bibliography of published works containing information on donkeys (Equus asinus). Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 34p.

Ashburner J and Starkey P, 1994. Draught animal power manual. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. 240p.

Krecek R C, Starkey P and Joubert A B D 1994. Animal traction in South Africa: research priorities in veterinary science. Foundation for Research Development, Pretoria, South Africa. 18p.

Lawrence P R, Lawrence K, Dijkman J T and Starkey P H (eds), 1993. Research for development of animal traction in West Africa. Proceedings of the fourth workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network held 9-13 July 1990, Kano, Nigeria. International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 322p.

Bwalya M, van Slooten H, de Graaf J and Starkey P H, 1991. Animal traction development: towards an integrated approach. Proceedings of a workshop held 22-23 April 1991, Lusaka, Zambia. Palabana Animal Draft Power Training Project, Lusaka, Zambia. 51p.

Poats S V, Lichte J, Oxley J, Russo S L and Starkey P H (eds), 1986. Animal traction in a farming systems perspective. Report of networkshop held 3-8 March 1985, Kara, Togo. Network Report No 1, Farming Systems Support Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. 187p.

Rocha A, Starkey P and Dionisio A C, 1991. Cattle production and utilisation in smallholder farming systems in southern Mozambique. Agricultural Systems 37: 55-75.

Krecek R C, Starkey P and Joubert A B D 1994. Animal traction in South Africa: research priorities in veterinary science. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 65(4):150-153.

Starkey P, 1998. Networking and rural transport. Forum News 6(2): 1-2.  International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, London, UK.

Starkey P, 1990. Draught animal power in Africa. p 67 in: Cockrill W R (ed), Working animals international. Proceedings of inaugural meeting held 12 December 1989, Oxford, UK. World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies (TAWS), Oxford, UK. 78p.

Imboden R, Starkey P and Goe M R, 1983. Rapport de la mission de consultation préliminaire à l'établissement d'un réseau de coopération technique dans les pays en voie de développement (TCDC) en matière de développement, recherche et formation pour l'utilisation de l'énergie animale. FAO, Rome, Italy. 115p.

Starkey P, 1994. Una visión global de la tracción animal. La traccion animal en la agricultura: una alternativa ecologica y economica. Congreso internacional 10–6 Oct 1994, Havana, Cuba.

Starkey P, 1994. La traction animale: une vue mondiale. Rencontre internationale de traction animale held 7-8 May 1994, Annecy, France.

Starkey P, 1988. Constraints to the supply and manufacture of animal traction equipment: an overview of the situation in Africa. In: Proceedings of 7th International DLG Symposium on Mechanization, Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, Germany. 10p.

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