books of Paul Starkey
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This web page
will be gradually developed to make easily available some publications written
by Paul Starkey and various collaborators. These publications are copyright and are being made available
to assist those involved in development issues and related research. While
individual copies may be downloaded for personal use, they should NOT be
reproduced without permission.
Where possible the
publications listed below will be made available in pdf format, identical to the
published version (although the resolution of pictures will generally be
'on-screen' resolution rather than 'press' quality. In some cases (eg, certain books) the link will be to another
site with further information about the book or (in the case of ATNESA) to a
webpage where papers can be downloaded. In other cases, pre-publication drafts
will be posted here, and people will have to obtain a 'hard copy' from the
publishers to get the definitive version. Most papers will be less than 400 kb
and should download easily. Some publications with photos are large
or very large and in
these cases warning colours and the file size will be displayed.
Starkey P, 2002. Local
transport solutions for rural development. Department for International
Development (DFID), London, UK. 48p. ISBN 1 86192 427 5. (Screen resolution) |
9 Mb |
Starkey P, 2002. Moyens
de transport locaux pour le développement rural. Department for
International Development (DFID), London, UK. 48p. ISBN 1 86192 428 3. (Screen
resolution) |
8 Mb |
Starkey P, 2001. Local
transport solutions: people, paradoxes and progress. SSATP Working Paper No.
56. Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), The World Bank,
Washington DC, USA. 74p. |
P, 2001. Les solutions
au transport
local: acteurs, exemples et contre exemples. Document de travail SSATP No. 56F. Programme de politiques de
transport en Afrique subsaharienne (SSATP), Banque Mondiale, Washington DC, USA.
860kb |
P, Ellis S, Hine J and Ternell A, 2002. Improving
rural mobility: options for developing motorized and nonmotorized transport in
rural areas. World Bank Technical Paper 525. World Bank, Washington DC, USA.
64p. ISBN 0-8213-5185-0
640kb |
P, Ellis S, Hine J et Ternell A, 2003. Améliorer
la mobilitErurale: Solutions pour développer les transports motorisés
et non
motorisés en milieu rural. Banque Mondiale Document SSATP 72F, Banque
Mondiale, Washington DC, E-U. 72p.
Starkey P, Ellis S, Hine J y Ternell A, 2002. Mejora de la movilidad rural: opciones para el desarrollo del transporte motorizado y no motorizado en las areas rurales. Documento TWU48-español. Banco Mundial, Washington DC EE-UU.
72p. |
550 kb
Starkey P, 1998. Networking
for development. International Forum for Rural Transport and Development,
London, UK. 103p. ISBN 1-85339-430-0 (link)
Starkey P, 1998. Réseaux
pour le développement. Forum International pour le Transport Rural
et le Développement, Londres, Royaume-Uni. 111p. ISBN 1-85339-440-8
Starkey P, 1998. Redes
para el desarrollo. International Forum for Rural Transport and Development,
London, UK. 112p. ISBN 1-85339-441-6 (link)
Starkey P, 1989. Harnessing and implements for
animal traction. GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany. 244p. ISBN
Starkey P, 1994. Systèmes d'attelage et matériels
à traction animale. GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany. 278p. ISBN
3-528-02071-7. |
1.8 Mb
Starkey P, 1988. Perfected yet rejected:
animal-drawn wheeled toolcarriers. GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig,
Germany. 161p. ISBN 3-528-02034-2 (link)
Starkey P, 1993. Polyculteur
traction animale:
Bien conçu - mal perçu.
GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany. 192p.
ISBN 3-528-02071-7
Starkey P, 1990. Policultores de tração animal:
perfeitos porém rejeitados. Assessoria e Serviços a Projetos em Agricultura
Alternativa, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. 152p. link
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Mueller P J and Starkey P, 1997. Donkey
bibliography: bibliography of published works containing information on donkeys
(Equus asinus). Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA)
and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 34p. |
Starkey P H, Sirak Teklu and Goe M R, 1991. Animal
traction: an annotated bibliographic database. International Livestock Centre
for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 255p. ISBN 92-9053-103-7 |
Starkey P, 1988. Animal traction directory:
Africa. GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany. 151p. ISBN3-528-02038-5
Starkey P, 1981. Farming with work oxen in Sierra
Leone. Ministry of Agriculture, Freetown, Sierra Leone. 88p. |
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