Proceedings and workshop reports
prepared by Paul Starkey and colleagues

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This web page will be gradually developed to make easily available some publications written by Paul Starkey and various collaborators. These publications are copyright and are being made available to assist those involved in development issues and related research. While individual copies may be downloaded for personal use, they should NOT be reproduced without permission. 

Where possible the publications listed below will be made available in pdf format, identical to the published version (although the resolution of pictures will generally be 'on-screen' resolution rather than 'press' quality. In some cases (eg, certain books) the link will be to another site with further information about the book or (in the case of ATNESA) to a webpage where papers can be downloaded. In other cases, pre-publication drafts will be posted here, and people will have to obtain a 'hard copy' from the publishers to get the definitive version. Most papers will be less than 400 kb and should download easily. Some publications with photos are large or very large  and in these cases warning colours and the file size will be displayed.

Starkey P and Fielding D (eds), 2000. Donkeys, people and development. A resource book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA). ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 247p. ISBN 92-9081-219-2.  

Starkey P (ed) et al, 1998. Improving donkey utilisation and management. Report of the workshop of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) held 5-9 May 1997, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 61p 1.1 Mb
Starkey P and Kaumbutho P (eds), 1999. Meeting the challenges of animal traction. A resource book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA), Harare, Zimbabwe. Intermediate Technology Publications, London. 326p. ISBN 1-85339-483-1   Link

Starkey P (ed), 1998. Integrating mechanisation into strategies for sustainable agriculture. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 24p. ISBN 92 9081 1838

Starkey P (ed), 1998. Intégrer la mécanisation dans les stratégies de développement durable de l’agriculture. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 27p. ISBN 92 9081 1870

Starkey P (ed) et al, 1996. Meeting the challenges of animal traction. Report of the workshop of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) held 4-8 December 1995, Karen, Kenya. Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) and Animal Traction Development, Reading, UK. 56p.

Starkey P, Mwenya E and Stares J (eds), 1994. Improving animal traction technology. Proceedings of the first workshop of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA) held 18-23 January 1992, Lusaka, Zambia. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 490p. ISBN92-9081-127-7   Link

Starkey P and Faye A (eds), 1990. Animal traction for agricultural development. Proceedings of the Third Regional Workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network, held 7-12 July 1988, Saly, Senegal. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Ede-Wageningen, Netherlands. 475p. ISBN 92-9081-046-7

Starkey P and Ndiamé F (eds), 1988. Animal power in farming systems. Proceedings of workshop held 17-26 Sept 1986, Freetown, Sierra Leone. GTZ, Eschborn and Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany. 363p. ISBN 3-528-02047-4
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