Ethiopian Network of Animal Power
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The Ethiopian Network of Animal Power - ENAP is one of the national animal traction networks affiliated to the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA), which is seeking to improve information exchange relating to animal power in the region.


Work animals, pack transport and socio-economic issues 

Dr MENGISTU Alemayhu
National coordinator for animal power research
Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation (EARO)
Holetta Agricultural Research Centre
PO Box 2003, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
Fax: + 251-1-611222
E-mail: c/o harc@telecom.net.et

Agricultural engineering, carts, equipment and related socio-economic issues 

Ato FRIEW Kelemu
Ethiopian Network of Animal Traction - ENAT
Nazaret Research Centre
Agricultural Implements Section
PO Box 436, Nazaret, ETHIOPIA
Tel: + 251-2-112186
Fax: + 251-2-113771
E-mail: c/o narc@telecom.net.et

ATNESA Committee Member and Animal Scientist 

Dr ALEMU Gebre Wold
Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation (EARO)
PO Box 2003, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
Fax: + 251-1-611222
E-mail: c/o harc@telecom.net.et


Click here
to see 
publications on
animal traction
in Ethiopia

First National Oxen Traction Research Review and Strategy Workshop
Proceedings of a workshop held Debre Zeit, 3-5 December 1997
A4 147p.


Improving donkey utilisation and management

An ATNESA workshop was held from in 1997 at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. ENAP members responsible for organising the workshop included staff of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR), the University of Addis Ababa, the Ministry of Agriculture and several Ethiopian-based NGO development agencies. A total of 85 people from 23 countries were present at the workshop. Click here to read about the workshop, and its conclusions.  You will have the option of downloading the full, illustrated workshop report and find out about the published outputs. Click here to see the contents of one of the ATNESA resource books developed after this workshop.
Donkey utilisation and management in Ethiopia
Click here t
o download a paper by Feseha Gebreab, Alemu G Wold, Friew Kelemu Abule Ibro and Ketema Yilma prepared for this workshop. This 7-page document is in PDF format that can be printed or read on-line. 

(NB: this has a file size of 197kb and should not take very long to download).

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 4 which is needed to view and print this pdf file, you can download it free of charge from http://www.adobe.com


Gender issues in donkey use in rural Ethiopia
Click here
to download a paper by Kathy Marshall and Zahra Ali prepared for this workshop. This 7-page document is in PDF format that can be printed or read on-line. 

(NB: this has a file size of 275 kb and may take two minutes to download
depending on the speed of your connection).

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