Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
ocument resources on  gender and animal traction 

Various documents relating to gender and animal traction are available.
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 4 which is needed to view and print these pdf files, you can download it free of charge from

Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

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Articles about
gender and animal traction

Women and animal traction technology
        by Ann-Charlotte Sylwander
Women and animal traction in Mbeya Region of Tanzania: a gender and development approach
        by K Marshall and M Sizya
Transportation by women, and their access to animal-drawn carts in Zimbabwe
        by J Doran *
Women and animal traction technology: experiences of the Tanga Draft Animal Project, Tanzania
        by Andrew C Makwanda
's access to animal traction technology: cases studies from Darfur, Sudan and Turkana, Kenya
        by Simon Croxton     
The importance of women
's participation in animal traction in Zambia
        by Margaret Lombe, Christine Sikanyika and Annie N Tembo
The impact of mobile ox plowing courses for women in the Western Province of Zambia
        by Cara Hocking*
A note on women and animal traction technology in Ethiopia
        by Oumer Taha
A note on the use of animal traction by women in North Western Province, Zambia
        by Ivor Mukuka

The impact of animal traction on women
        M R Nelson-Fyle and R Sandhu   

Gender issues in animal traction workshop   
        by  Sylwander L and Simalenga T (eds), 1997

Please note there are other resources on this subject on other pages of the ATNESA website. Keep looking!

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