Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
ocument resources on feeding and nutrition
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Various documents relating to feeding and nutrition are available. 
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
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Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

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Articles about
feeding and nutrition

Research on the nutrition of working animals: needs, experiences and methods (1,2MB)
       by  J C Mathers and E O Otchere 
Recherches aux possibilités de conditionnement des boeufs de labour à base de paille de brousse enrichie 
à l'urée et evaluation de son inpact sur leur capacité de travail 
       by  T Khibe et PW Bartholomew  
La paille de riz dans l'alimentation des boeufs de labour à l' Office du Niger
       by  T A Tamboura  
Improving draft animal nutrition management through strategic supplementation in Zimbabwe
       by  J Francis, L R Ndlovu and J R Nkuuhe
Improving the management of feed resources for draft animals in Mangwende, Zimbabwe
       by  S Chikura
Feeding crop residues for improved draft power
       by  V L Prasad, C T Khombe  and P Nyathi  

Improving draft animal nutrition management through strategic supplementation in Zimbabwe
        by J Francis, L R Ndlovu and J R Nkuuhe
Improving the management of feed resources for draft animals in Mangwende, Zimbabwe
        by S Chikura
Feeding crop residues for improved draft power
        by V L Prasad, C T Khombe  and P Nyathi 
Test de conditionnement des boeufs de labour en zone OHV du Mali

        by B Kone et J Caldwell   
Animal nutrition manual (emphasis on dairy cows, with information from Poland)
            submitted by Alimuddin Naseri, Afghanistan (

Please note there are other resources on this subject on other pages of the Animal Traction Net and ATNESA websites. Keep looking!

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